Saturday, April 7, 2007

Annisia's crawling!

Well, Annisia is officially crawling.

She seems to enjoy getting around. Do I? certainly makes life interesting. Jonathan thinks it's cool sometimes, but not if it means he has to defend his toys more often!

So, do you see the little tongue thing she's doing about 5 seconds into the video and again at about 22 seconds? Looks like a little lizard, doesn't she? I wonder what that's all about... It makes me laugh every time I watch the video.


Anonymous said...

Darla, what a precious video! It was so fun to see her in action! Hey the tongue thing? She licking the drool back in!!!! What would you do with the drool? Love your site.. Janice

Darla said...

Maybe you're right, Janice! She does that alot.