Wednesday, July 4, 2007

The Little Boy has found the Water Hose!

Well, Jonathan has been a big helper with watering for over a year, but it was only this week that he truly discovered one of the best things to do with a water hose in the summer...get wet! Daddy sprayed him one hot afternoon/evening, and it's been a riot ever since. He even grabbed the hose and got me one afternoon! Here are some funny clips...

In this one, he starts by the garden. He is already wet and when I ask what he's doing, he says, "shaking like Bella" (our dog who got a haircut and bath in the yard on Saturday). I love the look of shock on his face...luckily he was really truly enjoying himself!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Oh Darla,,
Thank you for sharing a bit of that sweet little boys' antics. I so miss seeing and watching him grow up.. It is so funny... Janice

Anonymous said...

Ha! The end of that second video cracks me up! It seems like he was just trying to catch his wits again after spraying himself with such cold water. :) Thanks for sharing!! Your kids are at such a fun age and I'm sure they bring you a lot of laughter & joy! Keep the updates coming! :)

Kate said...

What great videos. You will thank yourself years from now for all of these neat videos. I love the look of shock on his face and how fun that Annisia is walking! Yeah
Thanks for the posts, we sure appreciate them. :)

Anonymous said...

I stumbled upon your blog and just wanted to say it is great to see that you and your family are doing great! I sent you an e-mail. Hope you got that.
