We enjoyed seeing this Big Horn sheep run down the glacier. We got another video of a sheep following him, and really moving, but it won't upload. Sorry, you'll have to come here to see it!
These mountain goats were so laid back. They walked out onto the snow and the two mamas laid down. A few moments later, two golden squirrels ran out onto the snow from the other side of the glacier. They ran towards the goats, and, all of a sudden, the babies ran over and chased them off! Later, we saw the babies play a little. Cute little buggers...
I gave Jonathan a disposable camera and he got a kick out of taking some pics. Here he's getting a photo of me and missing the antics of the baby goats behind him!
Well, he's almost got them in the viewfinder...
Our sweet toots with his own Camelback. He really thought that was neat. It holds a liter.
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