Monday, October 22, 2007

When the workers come...

When the workers come, what do you do? Why, you put them to work! The same day we went through Crazy Woman Canyon, we also went to a friend's place in the mountains (and woods) for some firewood. Loren and Joe were a HUGE help. We were so appreciative.

Annisia is checking out Lucy, our friend's dog. Lucy is a happy, loving, wants to jump up and lick your face sort of dog. So she got stuck in the house while the kids were there. She was as curious as Annisia.

Loren limbing...he had packed along gloves and ear plugs, and had on a work shirt. He was prepared for work!

And Jonathan is busy "driving". Good thing I had the keys!

I'm not really sure what Loren is doing up there. The guys got a great truck load of wood. They had to do some minor trimming to make all the logs fit in so they could close the tailgate. And fit Bella in too!

Michael attaching the straps...

And Bella is snug as a bug in a truck full of wood. She rode partway down the mountain laying facing out the side of the truck bed. Then, somehow, she managed to flip herself so she was facing in to the middle of the window again (like this). At that point, we stopped and let her in to lay by Joe's feet. Poor doggy! There were clouds in the sky, and, gasp! it actually started raining...poor doggy...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

poor doggy... they sure get the raw end of the deal sometimes. Janice