Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Home for Thanksgiving

We went home to my Mom and Dad's for Thanksgiving. We had some bad roads to begin with, but they got better. The kids did great! We got Jonathan a really neat tray thing that buckles around his middle. It was super! He could play with his Bob the Builder Legos, read a book, do a puzzle, eat a snack. We also got him a pillow to hold up his head when he napped. Another great purchase! Recommended for all parents of toddlers. Annisia, well, Annisia was happy if she had a different toy every 5-10 minutes, or a book, or a snack in her hand.

When we got home to Mom and Dad's, the kids had to run off some steam. Annisia discovered all the stuffed animals G'ma and G'pa had, and promptly loaded them all up on G'pa! She did that daily, I think! We had a good time, but every night was too late. It's hard on vacation to keep your schedules, isn't it? Michael had a good time pheasant hunting with my dad and brother Alan. They went out nearly every morning and several late afternoons. Unfortunately, the pheasants they saw and hunted liked to hide out in sloughs! So those sneaky creatures would pop their heads up, the guys would take a shot, and never see the silly thing again. Some of the sloughs they were traipsing through had cattails as tall as the men! Ah, the joys of hunting! I got to see my oldest sis for 2 of the days we were home. That was fun 'cause she likes to spoil the kiddos and I like to watch! T'giving day was good with family, all the traditional food including lefse, and laughter.

My brother, Lowell, came home T'giving evening. Annisia thought he was the cat's meow! At one point, we had dinner set on the table and were going to let Lowell go through first. Michael went to get Annisia from Lowell's arms and she turned away! Tucked her little head into Lowell's neck and refused Daddy! Now, we haven't seen Lowell since last C'Mas, when she was 5 months old, so we all were quite impressed, and Uncle Lowell's heart melted! He wanted to take her home, until we reminded him about diapers, naps, not sleeping all night every know, all the fun parenting stuff! Jonathan thought Uncle Yo (which is how he says it...can't say his "L"s) was pretty fun too. Watch the video at the bottom of the post...Uncle Lowell was pretty popular!

My nephew, Anthony, played so nicely with Jonathan. They were over nearly every day and we enjoyed it. Anthony would chase Jonathan around until he giggled uncontrollably! What fun!

My niece, Cassie, loved holding Annisia. She's at the age where babies are really fun. She also had fun with Jonathan. Of course, he is so bossy ;-)...they always had to play tractors and dinosaurs!

The temps hovered around 15-25 degrees every day. So the kids played outsided some. Here, they were enjoying some rides on Cassie's electric four wheeler. Jonathan loved it, and Annisia held on!
Then it was story time.
On Sunday, following meeting, where I got to see an aunt, uncle, cousin and her family, we all went out to lunch. Then we got on the road for 11 hour drive.


Anonymous said...

Hi, I like the looks of that tray. let me know if it holds up on future trips! I like the pictures but your mom is missing. Tell them hi for us. Love Joyce

Kate said...

Thanks Darla for all of the good hints for traveling...
We aren't going anywhere this year, but it will come in handy when we decide to make the long haul down to see my folks. :)
It looks like you had a blast seeing your family! :)

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful time... Lowell was just bubbling when he was telling us about the ponytail thing with Annisia. I am so glad he got home to play with the kids an visit you for awhile. It would have been fun to see Cassie and Anthony and Alan for awhile also, but it goes....Love Janice and Paul