Well, our friend Rachel, whom we met in Auckland, NZ, and now lives in Malaysia, sent us Flat Stanley. I fear I have had him in my home too long and must get him sent on. Here are a few things he did with us while he was here in WY.

The kids took him outside one fine day. He got to ride on Jonathan's backhoe loader and Annisia held him for awhile. We have some gorgeous days in the spring. But today, May 2nd, it's snowing and blowing again. We have a couple 3 foot drifts around the house.

Jonathan and Annisia enjoy painting. Flat Stanley wasn't so sure about that as he didn't have a paint shirt along. But he enjoyed watching.

We go to the local YMCA nearly every day. The kids play in the daycare and I work out. Flat Stanley enjoyed the daycare but I didn't take a picture in there for confidentiality reasons. But here is the outside of our great gym.

And then we went to Pizza Hut for lunch. I think Flat Stanley is on a diet, because he refused lunch!

THEN! The best thing happened! Flat Stanley got to go to Gramma and Papa's ranch with the kids. Jonathan gets to ride in the tractor with Papa sometimes. They brought bales of hay to the horses this day.

And Annisia was with Gramma by Bud, the horse Jonathan has already ridden on, (even trotted!), and Annisia will soon be on if I know her grandparents! You may be able to see the Big Horn Mountains behind the tree.

Then Flat Stanley got an outfit worthy of Wyoming. Blue jeans, a handkerchief patterned shirt and boots. Thanks for coming, Flat Stanley!
1 comment:
Ohhh ... cool outfit :-) Your kids are growing up! Was wondering how you got on with Flat Stanley ... now I know! Thanks for sharing.
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