Sunday, May 4, 2008

May snowstorm

On Tuesday, April 29, it reached 80 degrees. The kids were to Gramma and Papa's, and Gramma put some water in the little pool for the kids. They had a blast. The wind started on Wed, April 30. The wind blew and blew and the snow started to fall Thursday, May 1st. By Friday morning, we had 3 inches of snow and 3 foot drifts on both sides of the house. On Saturday, I think it got into the 70s, a gorgeous day, and we worked outside all day cleaning out the flower beds, etc. Crazy, eh?
Our back (south) deck.
From the north...we always seem to get good drifts on the north side of the house with those prevailing north winds!

1 comment:

Wishful Thinking said...

WOW ... don't think I will be complaining of the heat anymore!