Monday, October 13, 2008

Smiling for the camera

I dressed Annisia in one of her pretty princess dresses for meeting one Sunday. I just had to get some pics. She is really a camera ham, isn't she?!

Jonathan needed his picture taken too. He's at the age where he forces a smile, I guess.

I get kudos for this one. I built this train track for Jonathan. It goes around a curve, up a hill, over a bridge and back down...then we ran out of track. He thought it was great! He asked for some coal for his train. We loaded a little wagon with raisins and duct taped it to the train engine. He thought that was great too!

We got Jonathan this double sided easel for his birthday. It has a dry erase board on one side, a chalk board on the other, and a spool for paper in the middle. Plus, Michael brings home big paper he prints plans out on. Paper that has become scrap for whatever reason. It's great, just the right size, about 24"x30". The kids love to paint and draw. However, they have been caught chewing on the chalk, and drawing on the chalk board with the dry erase markers. Argh!

Note, Daddy having fun too! heehee!

1 comment:

Leilani said...

Woo! Major kudos!
Love the pictures. :) And your new side-strips on your blog here are great. You see I haven't gone to that site yet to see if there's anything there I'd like, hee. Lazy? Yep... also no wireless. Also forgetful.