Thursday, March 29, 2007

Kids and their toys

Here is Jonathan with his loader tractor he got from Aunty Janice and Uncle Paul. He loves it! He is so proud of Uno (the monkey...story in a minute), because he is able to sit on the loader. He says, "Good boy, Uno! You're sitting on the loader. Good job!"

OK, Uno is a character in a Graeme Base book called "Uno's Garden". Uno is a little man who goes to a rain forest and decides to live there and the result of that. Lame description, very neat book full of things like sneaky snagglebites, lumpybums, and snortlepigs. Graeme Base is a great author...any of his books are a must. Anyways, it's actually amazing the resemblance between this monkey and GB Uno character...Jonathan amazes me sometimes with his comparisons.

Annisia enjoying the Wall Street Journal personal journal. Ah yes, I do remember this stage with Jonathan. Finally mobile and into everything...

Jonathan with his "pull". A pretty neat horse trailer, if you know what I mean!

Here he has his manure spreader hooked up too. What an imagination! Can you tell he loves to be out to Gramma and Papa's?!

One day, he was playing on the deck. Daddy moved one of Jonathan's many vehicles so Jonathan could "maneuver better". I said, "Whoa! New word, Jonathan. Can you say "maneuver"?" He was quiet for a minute then said, "Mom! Teo pooped. And Thunder pooped too!" These are two of Gramma & Papa's horses. We laughed so hard, then had to tell him "maneuver", not "manure"!

1 comment:

Debbie S. said...

Thanks for sharing this Darla. I didn't realize about Jonathan's fever. How scarey!! We love you all and want only the best for you. By the way, 'Anni' was making comments with that tongue movement!! "See my toys" "See how I am crawling?!"