Friday, September 7, 2007

How do you get it all done?

A friend, Jen, recently posted "How do people "do it all"? I often wonder the same thing. Usually when I am trying like mad to get the kids to nap. So! I know I should get exercise. And I know it's good for the kids to play, and run, and get dirty, and have a snack, and get naps. I'd like to scrapbook and preserve their (and our) memories. But how to you get it all done? How can I get exercise if I have to load the kids into a stroller, which means they aren't playing and running? If I let them play and run in the yard, I walk around a little, and water the plants, and clean up the flower beds and pots, and pull some weeds, and push some little one in the swing, and...zzzzzzzzzz...snore!... NOT A WALK! If I choose to go to the YMCA, I am bringing my kids to the daycare there which means, yes, they are running and playing, but they are not getting fresh air. If I get on the treadmill at home, I am on and off, and on and off, and on and off, getting a snack, or getting a drink, or pulling Jonathan off of Annisia, or changing a diaper, or checking to see where my little ones are (if they're outside). You get the picture. Speaking of pictures...

This is how Mommy gets to maybe use the treadmill. Gates, chairs...all so the wee one doesn't decide to join in.

Back to our topic...
How do you get it all done? I don't relish the thought of walking on the treadmill in the hot sunroom in the summer...and doing it at naptime. I'd rather do something like check my email, post a blog(!), get some chores done, scrapbook (yeah right!), nap (YEAH RIGHT!)...Mayhaps that's my only time to do it some days. What do you think?


Anonymous said...

It's a tough thing! I was given so many good ideas about how to manage things when there is SO much going on, but when it comes right down to it, you have to do whatever works for you! I feel that in the long run, some things will just have to be sacrificed. Some people might sacrifice quiet time. Some people might sacrifice sleep. Some people might sacrifice social activities. Any sacrifices of any kind happen in order for the important things to get done and it's up to YOU what you consider important and NOT worth sacrificing. Right now for me, it comes down to quiet time and sleep. If I start cutting out either of those things, "bad" things start to happen. Yikes!

I still feel quite overwhelmed at the moment with ALL that I have to do, but in the same instance I feel OK about everything. It's because I'm trying to realize that I CAN'T do it all. I just have to do those things that are important and keep me sane and peaceful. Sometimes that just means letting go of the simple way of trying to be involved in "everything". Does that make sense?

That's all I've got, but I hope you figure it out for yourself, too! :) Your whole perspective changes when you pinpoint what "it" is. :)

Leilani said...

Maybe you could alternate? Do some things on some days, but not on others. So that you get more of It All done over time, but not necessarily every day?
I don't have very many good answers, except Jen is brilliant. ;)

Lotsa Love

Darla said...

WOW! I have smart and very helpful friends. Thanks! I will try all of, just when to get time to try it... (HA!)

Kate said...

Hey Darla,
I am feeding Hazen, and typing one-handed! :)
I know how you feel, and often feel overwhelmed too. But I like Jen's advice...
I try to do a little at a time, and I try to SLEEP as much as I can...hee hee
And I try to remember that my little ones are only little for a short time!

Anonymous said...

Hey good to catch up with yours. I have no advice. Sometimes i just sit down and think about all i have to do and somehow it just makes me feel better, even though i have got nothing done!! :-) Take care- Jill