Wednesday, December 26, 2007

We have a Visitor!

Aunty Leilani is here for a week. Guess what she "gets" to do a lot of? Yep! Reading! Both to herself and to the kids. Yay! She's even said she'll babysit some so I can get some things done. Double Yay!


Anonymous said...

Well, who is it, silly?? :)

Darla said...

Jen, you are so funny! I typed the title, hit return instead of tab, realized my mistake and started to edit the post. I then walked away to do who knows what and who should find my blooper but you! I have fixed the post...enjoy and don't be jealous because Leilani is visiting me, OK?!

Anonymous said...

Yay, Leilani gets to read! Hope your library has lots of books! Love Joyce