Saturday, January 26, 2008

Jonathan singing "Grinch" song

We were enjoying some Christmas music, including songs by an acapella band we enjoy called The Coats. One of the songs they sing is "The Grinch". We were singing along and Jonathan got a kick out of it and started singing it. Listen to them, then him. Here's a piece of the song by The Coats.

and here's Jonathan's version.


Anonymous said...

He can really carry a tune... good to hear him singing when he is playing. Too bad all other kids aren't taught to imagine and play toys instead of the TV babysitting and the gameboys and computers. I love it!!! Janice.

Leilani said...

Of COURSE Jaams is better than them Coats!!
(clearly, I am a besotted auntie, hee. ;)