For a month or so, after we give thanks for a meal, Jonathan has been saying, “Food doesn’t go to our knees. It goes to our bodies!” And then he kind of laughs, like we’re pretty dumb adults or something! We tried to figure out where that statement came from, what prompted him to say that. Finally, one morning, we figured it out. Michael prayed, “Please bless this food to our bodies needs.”
Jonathan has a placemat with Sesame Street characters on it. Every time we say, “That’s Cookie Monster,” Daddy says, “Cooookie”, like the Cookie Monster. Annisia has learned this. If we offer her a cookie or she sees a picture of the Cookie Monster, she says, “Tooookie.”
The other day, when we were having that cold snap, Annisia had taken her socks off. She was pattering around in the kitchen, and our kitchen floor gets cold because it’s tile. We found her socks and I sat her on my lap to put them on her. To my surprise, her feet were warm! I said, “You’re just a little heat monster!” And she said, “Tooookie!”
One day, Jonathan took Annisia’s hand and led her down the hallway to the bathroom (a sweet picture, btw!) Since then, he has discovered imaginary friends. They come in the shape of animals; anything he has been exposed to recently (or not so recently) either in books, conversations, or nature. Deer, antelope, mountain lions, alligators, dogs, wolves…and most of them are friendly. “Mommy, come and see my friendly deer. Isn’t he nice? Pet him, Mommy. He has nice teeth, doesn’t he?”
So, these days, it’s one of his friendly deer or mountain lions he leads down the same hallway, looking over his shoulder to make sure they’re still following him. He says, “Hey, friendly mountain lion, come see my new compressor. It’s down in the shop,” as he leads them down the hallway to the bathroom. He enters the bathroom and flushes the toilet. “That’s a nice, new compressor, isn’t it, friendly mountain lion?!” Can you tell he’s around construction and ranching?
This morning, I complimented Jonathan on going through another night without wetting his pants. I said, "What are we going to do with all those Pull Ups you have left? Maybe we'll have to give them to Chet for when he potty trains." And Jonathan said, "No, we'll just have to hang them on the tree outside." HUH?!