Sunday, February 17, 2008

More Snowy Days

How dreadful! The go go car is stuck in the big snow drift. Never fear, the kids are on the job!

Daddy is good at building tunnels. We get a great drift over our front walk. This time it was a little icy, so Michael named it the "Icenhower Tunnel". Annisia thought it was cool to crawl through.
Then she got her first taste of snow. She likes it! Now she grabs pieces of snow every time we're outside playing.

Jonathan thinks it's good too, but he's likely to stop sooner. Annisia, on the other hand, is thrilled when I get crushed ice from the refrigerator and hopes some falls to the floor!

Jonathan has a lot of work to do, doesn't he? This backhoe loader gets put to work many times a week.

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