Friday, February 22, 2008

Annisia's braids and books

Annisia is 18 months old and her hair is growing so fast. On Monday, she actually stood long enough (and still enough) that I could french braid her hair. I usually stand her in their bathroom at the sink because I like to wet her hair most of the time. Then she plays in the sink and I do her hair. OK, so this is a weird post, but I had to record it somewhere!

Then Annisia followed me upstairs while I did something and saw this baby jumper seat and had to have it. So she wanted locked in it and looked at a book. So I complied! What mommy isnt' going to? I mean, they can't get into trouble that way, can they?! hee,hee


Leilani said...

I love seeing all the pictures. :D
I saw the cutest apron last night - I'm going to make one for Annisia. Yes, me MAKE! It's easy though, not involving more than about 3 straight lines of stitchery, so I think I can manage. ;) I might make Jaams one too, haven't decided.
Love you guys!

Darla said...

Your mom made them each an apron...I think you've seen them. One of these days, I'll have to get pics of them. Love you too!

Anonymous said...

Cute, cute, cute. :)

That's all I have to say! :)

Joyce said...

Shhh! Let Leilani make them aprons too! They can always use another one. Besides by now they probably have out grown those old ones. I love the braids. Maybe you should do her hair when she is strapped down in the bouncer! Love ya.

Darla said...

Oh, by all means Leilani, make them the aprons! They will love a variety to choose from when they "need" to cook and bake!

Leilani said...

Bah! Mom, you're always getting there first!! ;)

Kate said...

What a cute braid! Annisia looks so grown up. I loved all of the new posts, and was especially wishing we could have gone to the hot springs too. HOW FUN!

Anonymous said...

you should put a pillow behind her head in the bouncer so she can really relax!! love those cute little braids she is such a darling! Janice