Tuesday, March 25, 2008


This is what's been up...the last month! I know I have posted some happenings, but here are the pics. On Feb 23 and 24, we refinished the sunroom deck. This meant Michael did lots of back breaking work with a belt sander, I followed up with the random orbital sander, Jonathan showed us (numerous times, ie every time I let go of it!) just how to use the RO sander , and Annisia crawled up onto (and off again, and on again, and off again, you get the picture!!) the dusty deck. Then we recoated the deck. It was really looking gray, especially the outside boards as they get hit with the sprinkler and the stuff we used before isn't very good. If you click on the pic below and look at the area where Annisia is standing, you can see how gray the boards look. The sunroom deck you see above is before we coated it. It really looks nice now. Come visit and check it out!
I have cool kids. I mean, just look at this one. It was a chilly, windy day so the kids have on ear bands. Jonathan gets frustrated with the wind. I have to wonder if it hurts his ears. I don't like the wind either. Lately, he's been beating on one of our pines that sits where it blows no matter which way the wind is coming from. I think he sees the branches moving and thinks it is creating the wind, instead of moving because of the wind. So he gets the hoe out and hits the branches and says, "No wind! Stop blowing! You're frustrating me!"

Annisia, on the other hand, just likes to go outside. She doesn't really like the wind, but it's because it's "cold". She says, "Oooh, told!" But if she's bundled, she's fine. She giggles, plays with anything Jonathan lets her play with, and begs for swings.

So, this is after a day at Gramma and Papa's. Hmmm...who's exhausted?
Daddy and Jonathan left one evening to run back to the office for something. While Jonathan was gone, Annisia kyped his bike helmet to wear. Don't you think her sideways grin is too much?
Then she "needed" her tights off so she could see her toes. This is something she learned from her big brother. He is one for taking off his socks and picking the lint from between his toes. He calls it "getting the itch out". So down she sits, not really knowing what it is he does, and looks between all her toes!


Wishful Thinking said...

Your kids are gorgeous :-) And Happy Birthday for last Wednesday! Glad you got to go away for a few days. Luv Rachel

Anonymous said...

Your kids are hilarious! The things they come up with!!! :) Thanks for sharing your days with us! :)