Monday, October 20, 2008

Oh, go fly a kite!

We finally had a windy enough day to fly Jonathan's new kite from Gramma and Papa. We waited until Daddy was home to put it together and fly it with Jonathan. It's a really cool dragon. You can make its legs move by moving the reel. It was quite a bit of work for Jonathan to hold; he got tired pretty quickly because of the pull. It hangs on the wall of his bedroom when it's not flying in the air. He thinks that is pretty great too.

He is wearing his bike helmet because he's multi-tasking, (riding his bike while Daddy resets things), not because we were afraid he'd go flying. Although...he just let go of the spool once when he was done, and away went the kite! Run, Daddy, run!


Leilani said...

I was wondering why the bike helmet!
Glad he didn't take any unexpected trips and need to suddenly change it into a flight helmet.

K 'n' K said...

How fun! :)

Anonymous said...

think of how he could have flown it if you would only have thought of tying it to his bike and he could have ridden it all over!!! MAN you just aren't thinking!