Thursday, February 18, 2010

I like this background

After perusing and playing with some different blog backgrounds, I have decided on this one...for today! "Walking in a Winter Wonderland" seems appropriate, as the snow lightly falls (and melts ;-). We're hoping for more, more, more! Even though I don't like skiing in powder, Michael and Jonathan do. Annisia seems to like face planting in it. We went up to our little ski area up in the mountains here last Sunday. Annisia scares the willies out of me. She gets off the lift, gets a little push up the tiny hill to the top of the hill, points her skis and goes. No looking back! Scares the willies...I post and turn down the bunny slope, vainly attempting to catch her, yelling, "You MUST go across the hill. Push your buttons..." (That's something the ski instructor told her. That she had special buttons on the bottom of her rental skis. She needed to take turn pushing down on them. Then she'd go across the mountain, working her way down in a controlled manner.) Oh, where, Oh, where is that ski instructor again? Maybe she'd listen to him...She plowed down one time, veered off into some powder and face planted. BOOM! She landed so hard, she didn't just lose a ski, she lost the ski AND boot! Popped her little SmartWool stockinged foot right out of her boot! Joy.

1 comment:

Wishful Thinking said...

Oh dear ... actually sounds like Annisia and Maddison would be great mates together ... Maddison has no fear either!