Sunday, May 16, 2010

Annisia's first time skiing!!

We headed off to Red Lodge the morning of the day after Christmas. We got there just in time to set Annisia up with a one hour individual ski lesson. She was SO excited! We got her outfitted and met up with Patrick. She didn't even look back! Patrick talked to her about some things then off she scooted on her skis, onto the magic carpet with her instructor, and next thing you know, Annisia, 3 1/2, is skiing! In that one hour, Patrick taught her to go and stop, basically. Usually they teach the children "french fries" for "go" (skis are parallel like french fries) and "pizza pie" for "stop" (skis turn in at the toes to make a wedge, hence, pizza). Well, that didn't work well for her for some unknown reason, so he taught her "red light" and "green light". Either way, she had a good time. After her lesson, we took her up Miami Beach ski lift and struggled our way down. More about that another time...

While Annisia had her lesson, Michael, Jonathan and I did a little skiing. We were headed up Miami Beach lift and saw Santa! He hadn't gone back to the North Pole yet! So, Jonathan skied off the lift (like a pro!) , skied right up to Santa and said, "Thank you for the toy pistol. It's just what I wanted!" It was SO cute!

Here's a pic of the little man and I on another lift. This boy of mine amazes me. He is so great on his skis. He just schusses everywhere, no fear. Well, let me rephrase that. He has a healthy respect for the mountain. He knows to traverse the slope so he's in control. But, Michael will take him on black diamond slopes and he doesn't blink. Pretty cool. Soon these kids of mine will be leaving me on the bunny slopes to ski black diamonds all day with Dad. {sniff, sniff...}

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