The icicles, which were blown in under the eaves because of a wicked north wind all day.

This appears to be the end of what I am calling our Parentheses Winter ( ) October~May...with nothing in between worth mentioning. So, here are some pics to show off a little actual moisture we are receiving. Now we may not need to just light ourselves on fire and get it over with, to quote my bro-in-law!

My poor south facing flower bed. Under all that snow lies lots of columbine, some tulips, day lilies, fire lilies, asters...They are all hearty plants, so I think they'll be fine.
The kids enjoyed playing outside for awhile...almost an hour. The picture of Annisia up to her waist in the snow?? Not really. She was having fun falling down. You can see in the last photo that the snow is up to Jonathan's knees. They were soaking wet when they came in. Lots of fun!!