Friday, May 4, 2007

Grandpa & Grandma O visit

Then Grandma and Grandpa came to visit. They brought Annisia her 6 month gift...

...a shiny new tractor and trailer! Wow! Now she doesn't have to use her brother's. Jonathan got a new Volvo semi truck too. He thinks it's pretty cool.

Grandpa and Jonathan went to the sandbox and Grandpa built a "sandapple" with an apple sandbox toy.

Then Jonathan stomped it! Was Grandpa surprised!

Grandma and Jonathan built a castle. Jonathan did most of the work. Then he got out his play jigsaw and cut it down one Lego at a time.

I left Annisia with Grandma and Grandpa one morning and took Jonathan to library hour. I think it is the first time since Annisia's birth that Jonathan and I have done something alone. Annisia is a bit of a Momma's girl, so it was with a little trepidation that I walked out the door. I came home to a soundly sleeping Grandpa's girl. Isn't she sweet?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Grandma and Grandpa sure enjoyed their trip out to see you all. They have talked about it a lot. I am so glad it was so fun for them. Those 2 kids are so wonderful for them to enjoy.