So, we had a good convention at Cody. Jonathan even paid attention a little. We heard a story about a little girl who came to her mommy and said, "Mommy, I need a spanking." Her mom had told her that if she did this certain something, she'd get a spanking. Well, she did that something and her mommy didn't see it, but she came to her and told her. She knew if her mommy found out about it later, and she
would, she'd get into even worse trouble, so she told her. The lesson, as Michael, Leilani, and I remember it, is "it's good to be honest. If we bring our faults to God, he's more likely to help us than to punish us. Remorse, Repentance and Forgiveness." Anyways, Jonathan said later in the camper, "Daddy, why did the little girl tell her mommy she needed a spanking?" He was listening!
Monday, on the way into my chiro app't, Jonathan said, "Mommy, I love Aunty Leilani more than Daddy and my Snuggly." Me, "Oh?! Really?" Then he said, I love Daddy more than Aunty Leilani."
Then yesterday, I told the kids we were possibly going to have company, a play date. Both kids asked, "who?", but I told them, "it's a surprise." Jonathan said, "Is it Aunty Leilani and Scott?" I said no, and he said, "Is it Aunty Leilani?" I think he's enamored!!
Yesterday, Jonathan made Annisia and I lunch! He had a saucepan out and he was cooking. (The kid uses a lot of tools, I tell you!) He made us French sugar soup.
hmmm... So he got out 2 of our soup bowls from the clean dishwasher, and a smaller bowl for Annisia. He used the gravy spoon to dish up some water, er, ahem, I mean "soup"! He came and found me and told me we were going to pray. (This is something we sometimes need to tell him when he is lagging getting to the table..."Jonathan, we're going to pray." He doesn't like missing prayer before the meal.) So I hurried to the table. He prayed...
"Heavenly Father, we are so thankful for this food (French sugar water in bowls!).
We're so thankful for...(Annisia pipes up, 'the workers!')...the workers, and we're so thankful for...(I whispered, 'Jesus')...Jesus. Father, we just worship (!)...this food. In Jesus' name. Amen." I love my children. What a sweet prayer.